Even If I Fall is available now!

My third novel, Even If I Fall, is officially on sale wherever books are sold! I’m up to my eyeballs in edits for my fourth book so I’m going to fail spectacularly in expressing my excitement and gratitude for this book. Three books. Three. I have three published books and I’m so proud of each one and the fact that I’ve been able to come up with characters that I care deeply about and stories I’m excited to tell. I’m so thankful to my fantastic agent, Kim Lionetti, and to my wonderful Editor, Natashya Wilson (an everyone at InkYard Press). I can’t believe I get to keep doing this. It’s the most amazing and rewarding job and I can’t imagine ever doing anything else.

Even If I Fall was a story that started years ago, before I had an agent much less published a book. It began as a piece of flash fiction that I titled Weeping Willow Tree.  My two awesome critique partners and I like to give each other writing prompts and then see what we come up with. In this case, I was given the prompt to write a summer love story. In a single, one hour sitting (with no editing or revising allowed), Weeping Willow Tree is what I came up with. Fast forward to 2017 and when my agent started nudging me for a new book, Weeping Willow Tree was one of the ideas I sent her. Needless to say, she liked it a lot and when it was officially pitched to my editor, she loved it too! The story grew beyond anything I could have imagined when I first pictured the Brooke and Heath and the impossible situation they found themselves in and I’m so, so glad that I finally get to share it with you.

I hope you love this story as much as I loved writing it!

Book Description

Brooke and Heath should never have become friends, let alone fallen in love.

A year ago, Brooke Covington lost everything when her beloved older brother, Jason, confessed to the murder of his best friend, Calvin. Brooke and her family became social pariahs, broken and unable to console one another. Brooke’s only solace remains the ice-skating rink, where she works but no longer lets herself dream about a future skating professionally.

When Brooke encounters Calvin’s younger brother, Heath, on the side of the road and offers him a ride, everything changes. She needs someone to talk to…and so does Heath. No one else understands what it’s like. Her brother, alive but gone; his brother, dead but everywhere. Soon, they’re meeting in secret, despite knowing that both families would be horrified if they found out. In the place of his anger and her guilt, something frighteningly tender begins to develop, drawing them ever closer together.

But when a new secret comes out about the murder, Brooke has to choose whose pain she’s willing to live with—her family’s or Heath’s. Because she can’t heal one without hurting the other

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About Abigail

Abigail Johnson was born in Pennsylvania. When she was twelve, her family traded in snowstorms for year-round summers and moved to Arizona. Abigail chronicled the entire cross-country road trip in a purple spiral-bound notebook that she still has, and has been writing ever since. She became a tetraplegic after breaking her neck in a car accident when she was seventeen but hasn’t let that stop her from bodysurfing in Mexico, writing and directing a high-school production of Cinderella, and riding roller coasters every chance she gets. She is the author of several young adult novels including If I Fix You and Every Other Weekend. She is represented by Kim Lionetti at BookEnds Literary Agency.

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