Every Time You Go Away

Perfect for fans of Jennifer Niven, Abigail Johnson draws a searing and lyrical portrait of grief, forgiveness, and the kind of love that blooms in the aftermath.

Eight years ago, Ethan and Rebecca met, two trouble-making kids sharing secrets and first kisses in a treehouse, until Ethan’s mom returned to take him away. Each and every visit, his only goodbye was a flower on Rebecca’s windowsill.

Four years ago, Ethan left for the last time to take care of his mother, who’s struggled with addiction his whole life.

Two years ago, Rebecca was in a car accident that killed her father. She’s been learning to navigate life as a wheelchair user ever since.

Now, they discover if their hardships have torn them apart…or will bring them closer than ever.

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“Fast and intense, this is a galloping thriller with something extra for romantics.”
—Kirkus Reviews on GIRL ON THE RUN

“Johnson brings to life a family in distress along with a tantalizing mystery…Captivating and emotional, this story creates a beautiful tapestry of secrets and lies and explores how a family goes on when the unthinkable is a coldhearted reality….a real page-turner.”
Booklist on EVEN IF I FALL

“A nuanced take on learning to fix yourself rather than fixing others.”
— Kirkus Reviews on IF I FIX YOU

“Beautifully told, this heartbreaking story about family betrayals and secrets will have readers easily caught up in this tale… the ending is simply perfect.”
– RT Book Reviews on THE FIRST TO KNOW

“Heartfelt and soul-probing, this is a book that will leave readers with a heady book hangover- that is so very worth it.”

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